Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You Are Not Alone On This Journey

What a blessing it is to have heard from our Prophet and Apostles during General Conference! 

During the General YW Broadcast President Uchtdorf encouraged young women to find their way on their journey home back to their Heavenly Father.  First he shared a story of a journey that he took as a young boy, and then shared, "I can now look back on my life and recognize a number of such 'journeys' I have taken over time.  Not all of them involved crossing mountain ranges or political boundaries; some had more to do with overcoming trials or growing in spirituality.  But they were all journeys.  I believe that every life is a collection of individual 'journey stories.' "

President Uchtdorf continues, "There will always be things to complain about-- things that don't seem to go quite right.  You can spend your days feeling sad, alone, misunderstood or unwanted.  But that isn't the journey you had hoped for, and it's not the journey Heavenly Father sent you to take.  Remember, you are truly a daughter of God."

We want all of our YW to know and remember President Uchtdorf's message that "You are not alone on this journey.  Your Heavenly Father knows you.  Even when no one else hears you, He hears you.  When you rejoice in righteousness, He rejoices with you.  When you are beset with trial, He grieves with you.... Seek Him earnestly, and you will find Him. I promise you, you are not alone."

Click on the following link to hear this wonderful talk in its entirety.