Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Year & New Theme

As a Stake YW Presidency, we are excited about the new year and our theme for 2013, “Stand ye in holy places and be not moved.”  There are so many resources available to help us share this theme with the YW.  The following link contains theme related music, talks, posters, graphics, videos, articles, etc. 

There is even a place for the youth to share their experiences, for example: 

Rachel Karen C. - United States

“As this theme was introduced in a lesson in combined young women and young men, we talked about how you don't always have to be in a temple. You can make the place you are in a holy place. This made me think of the 2012 theme Arise and Shine forth. I thought that by doing this, we can make where we are a holy place, and that it is almost like the first step. If we shine forth with our knowledge of the gospel, and our standards, we will always be in a holy place.”

We encourage you all to take advantage of these great resources.  We are especially excited about the 2013 Strength of Youth album available for free download that has 13 songs written entirely by youth.  This is going to be a great year J